VIVAX floor-ceiling air conditioner ACP-18CF50AERI+ R32

  • Nominal heating capacity (kW): 5,57
  • Nominal cooling capacity (kW): 5,28
  • Područje rada prilikom grijanja: -20 °C ≤ T ≤ 24 °C
  • Operating area during cooling: -15 °C ≤ T ≤ 50 °C
  • SCOP coefficient: 4
  • SEER coefficient: 6,2
The VIVAX floor-to-ceiling air conditioner ACP-18CF50AERI+ R32 is a mono split system with a nominal cooling/heating capacity of 5.28 kW/5.57 kW. The special 3D inverter technology provides the best performance, and at the same time enables considerable energy savings. The unit has the function of horizontal and automatic vertical exhaust, which ensures a more even...Find out more